Language files are Comma Separated Value (.csv) files that can be edited in Notepad. If list separator is comma in your local regional settings, you can use Microsoft Excel to edit your .CSV files. Otherwise, it is recommended that you use Notepad to edit your .CSV files. It is important that you use the proper text editor, so that the list separator, a comma, gets saved properly using your operating system's native regional settings. If you are unsure of your settings, use Notepad to edit your .CSV files.
These .CSV files reside in the same location that your pictures are found in, which by default, is the PIC folder of your iFIX installation location, or in the TagStatus subfolder of the main PIC folder. Exported language files are saved in the following format:
PictureName is the name of the picture whose language file you are exporting, and
LangLetter is the acronym for the language the picture is being translated into.
For example, if the picture name is Circles and you select German for the language, the exported language file name will be Circles_DE.csv. For more information on the available language letters, see the section Language Letter Acronyms.
iFIX WorkSpace provides a Translation Toolbar that allows you to:
- Export a single language file for each picture.
- Export language files for multiple or single pictures.
- Import a language file.
After you export a language file, open it in Notepad or Microsoft Excel and translate the appropriate text strings. If the global or picture level language setting is configured for the same language you translated the text strings into, the iFIX WorkSpace reads the translated .CSV file when the picture opens in run mode and displays the text strings in the translated language.
If you exported more than one language file for a single picture, the target language file is the file with the language that matches the LanguageDesired property defined for the individual picture. For example, if you exported language files in Spanish, Italian, and French for the picture Circles.grf , and the LanguageDesired property is set to Spanish, the picture's text is displayed in Spanish in run mode. To view the translated text in Italian or French, you must close the picture, change the LanguageDesired property to the appropriate language, and then reopen the picture in run mode.
Every time you export a language file, a log file is also created. These log files are created for each picture that you export a language file for, even if you are exporting language files for multiple pictures. For example, you have 20 pictures in your PIC folder and you use the Language File Exporter dialog box to export German language files for all 20 pictures. iFIX creates a separate log file for each language file with the format:
The log files will be named Circles1_DEExport.log, Circles2_DEExport.log, and so on.
Exporting a Single Language File
You can export a language file for the currently active picture. The language selected in the LanguageDesired property determines the language letter acronym used in the language file name. If you have a global language set for all pictures, you cannot change the LanguageDesired property. In order to change the language setting at the picture level, you must clear the Translate Picture On Open check box on the Picture Preferences tab of the User Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Individual Picture Language Settings.
Exporting Multiple Language Files
You can choose to export language files for multiple pictures. Use the Language File Exporter dialog box to select the pictures and language you want to create language files for. A separate language file for each of the selected pictures is exported. Each file name uses the same language letter acronym. For more detailed information, see Language File Exporter Dialog Box.
You can also choose to create a language file for a single picture without having to change the defined language setting, whether it is at the global or the picture level. For example, the global language setting is defined for French and you have already created French language files for your 20 pictures, Circles1.grf through Circles20.grf. You now want your Polish operators to view Circles10.grf in their native language in run mode. Use the Language File Exporter dialog box to export a Polish language file for Circles1.grf. The operators can then set the LanguageDesired property for Circles10.grf to Polish before opening it in run mode.
NOTE: In order to set the LanguageDesired property, the Translate Picture On Open check box on the Picture Preferences tab of the User Preferences dialog box must be cleared. If this check box is not cleared you cannot define individual picture language settings.
Importing a Language File
After a CSV language file has been exported and translated, you have the option to import that CSV file back into the corresponding picture while it is open in configuration mode. This allows you to change the text translations in the original, source picture – so that the translated text is saved along with the picture (and not just temporarily displayed in run mode). The translated text replaces the original text strings in the original picture.
IMPORTANT: The language selected in the LanguageDesired property must match the language letter acronym in the language file name in order for the language file to be imported properly.
NOTE: Be aware that if you only want to switch languages in run mode, you do no need to import any translations. Importing translations is an option available if you want to update the original pictures with translated text, so that the translations replace the original text in configure mode.
If you have a global language set for all pictures, you cannot change the LanguageDesired property. In order to change the language setting at the picture level, you must clear the Translate Picture On Open check box on the Picture Preferences tab of the User Preferences dialog box.
Importing a language file is useful if you want to save the picture with the translated text strings. For example, you have a French version of iFIX and want to replace the text strings in the Tag Status and Quick Trend pictures with French strings and only view these pictures in French. After the translation is complete and you have imported the language file(s), save the pictures with the new text strings. In this case, both configure and run mode pictures will appear in the translated language. There is no need to change language files in run mode.
Language Letter Acronyms
LangLetter |
Language |
1027 |
CA |
Catalan |
1029 |
CS |
Czech |
1030 |
DA |
Danish |
1031 |
DE |
German |
1032 |
EL |
Greek |
9 |
EN |
English |
1034 |
ES |
Spanish |
1035 |
FI |
Finnish |
1038 |
HU |
Hungarian |
1040 |
IT |
Italian |
1041 |
JA |
Japanese |
1042 |
KO |
Korean |
1043 |
NL |
Dutch |
1044 |
NO |
Norwegian |
1045 |
PL |
Polish |
1049 |
RU |
Russian |
3098 |
SR |
Cyrillic |
1050 |
HR |
Croatian |
1051 |
SK |
Slovak |
1053 |
SV |
Swedish |
1054 |
TH |
Thai |
1055 |
TR |
Turkish |
1057 |
IN |
Indonesian |
1060 |
SL |
Slovenian |
1069 |
EU |
Basque |
1028 |
Chinese - Taiwan |
1036 |
FR |
French |
1046 |
Brazilian Portuguese |
2070 |
PT |
Portuguese |
2052 |
Chinese PRC |
3084 |
French Canadian |