Animating a Grouped Object

In addition to animating individual objects, you can also animate grouped objects. Animating a grouped object is similar to animating any other object, except that the objects inside the group can have independent animations. To animate a grouped object, select the group and animate the properties you wish using the appropriate Expert. The properties of the group are changed to reflect your entries.

To animate the member objects of a group, drill down to the object in the group that you want to animate and complete the necessary entries in the appropriate Expert. If the group has an animated property, and one of its member objects has the same property animated in a different way, the most recent animation takes precedence. For example, if you animate the group's ForegroundColor property, and then in turn animate a nested object's ForegroundColor property, you will see the nested object's animation when you run the picture.

You can also use the Basic Animation dialog box to animate a grouped object or member objects in a group. For more information on working with grouped objects and their members including drilling down, refer to the Creating Complex Objects section.

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