Disabling a Key or Key Combination

To disable a key or key combination:

  1. In the iFIX Key Macro Editor main window, click the Key Combination cell in an active row. The Keyboard dialog box appears.
  2. Use the mouse to select the key or key combination that you want to deactivate.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Custom from the Action drop-down list. The Microsoft Visual Basic Editor launches.
  5. If a script was previously defined for the key or key combination, comment out the contents of the script and save the script.

NOTE: Do not comment out the procedure's declaration if you want the key to be handled. If you do, the key macro will be removed.

By commenting out the contents of the script, you are disabling the action for the key or key combination, not the key macro itself. This functionality is different from the VBA Key Up/Key Down events that only have access to key combinations not used by the WorkSpace.

  1. If no script was previously defined for the key or key combination, do not enter a new script.
  2. On the File menu, click Close and Return to WorkSpace Application. This closes the Visual Basic Editor and returns you to the Key Macro Editor main window.
  3. Optionally, when you return to the Key Macro Editor main window, you can enter a description for the key macro.

See Also