Data Sources Adjustment Option Dialog Box
The Data Sources Adjustment Option dialog box displays the following items:
Update Behavior
The Update Behavior area lets you specify how the Dynamo Updater should reconcile a data source mismatch between a Master Dynamo and Dynamo Instance. Select one of the following options:
- Update Dynamo, and use Master Dynamo data sources – If you want to update mismatched Dynamo Instances, but do not want to apply any new data sources from the Master Dynamo. This option uses all data sources from the Master Dynamo, and no data sources from the Dynamo Instance.
- Update Dynamo, and try to match up data sources – If you want to update mismatched Dynamo Instances using new data sources from the Master Dynamo.
For example, if a Master Dynamo object contains only one data source (user prompt) based on an animation, but a previous version (an instance of that Dynamo) includes three data sources based on animations, a best guess match is made. For the best guess, iFIX decides which one of the three data sources to use in the instance, and a report is generated based on your settings.
If the object type differs between the Master Dynamo and the Instance, there is no attempt to update the data sources in the animation for that object.
- Do not Update Dynamo – If you only want to view a report of mismatched Dynamos and make no actual updates.
- Prompt for Choice – If you want a prompt to display with your options each time a mismatched Dynamo is found. This option is the default.