Chart Tab - Chart Customization Dialog Box

The Chart tab of the Chart Customization dialog box displays the following items:

Data Sources

Allows you to add a pen to your chart by double-clicking a blank field in the list. This in turn allows you to select a data source for the pen.

Apply to All Pens

Allows you to apply any properties that you select from this dialog box to all pens in a chart.

Pen Tab



High Limit

Allows you to enter the high limit value defined for the selected data source.

Low Limit

Allows you to enter the low limit value defined for the selected data source.

Number of Decimal Places to Display

Allows you to specify the number of decimal places the pen displays for EGU limits. Enter a number from 0-7.

Fetch Limits

Specifies whether or not to automatically retrieve the low and high limits assigned to the selected data source at run time.

Show Line

Specifies whether or not to display the trend line for the selected data source.

Constant Line

Specifies whether or not to display a constant horizontal line at the current value of the pen.

Show Gaps

Specifies whether or not to display a blank space to represent an area in a plot where there is no data.

Use Regional Settings

Specifies whether or not to use the Windows Regional Settings. Disabling this feature allows you to enter user-defined decimal place settings. By default, this feature is enabled.

Maximum Display Points

Allows you to specify how many data points will be displayed in the chart over a given span duration.

Line Style

Allows you to apply a style to the pen's plot line. The options are:

  • Solid – Applies a solid pen line style.
  • Dash – Applies a dashed pen line style.
  • Dot – Applies a dotted pen line style.
  • DashDot – Applies a dash-dot combination line style.
  • DashDotDot – Applies a dash-dot-dot combination line style.

Line Color

Allows you to specify the color of the pen's plot line.

Line Width

Allows you to specify the width of a pen's plot line.

Marker Style

Allows you to specify a style for the pen's marker type.

Historical Mode

Allows you to determine how iFIX selects data from a historical data source and displays it in the chart, and determines what each displayed value represents. The options are:

  • Sample – The last valid value found is trended, up to and including the start of the interval.
  • Avg – The average of all valid data found during the interval is trended, starting at the beginning of the interval, 12:00:00. In this case, 4.5 is trended from 12:00:00 to 12:10:00.
  • High – The highest valid data point value found during the interval is trended, starting at the beginning of the interval, 12:00:00. In this case, 9.0 is trended from 12:00:00 to 12:10:00.
  • Low – The lowest valid data point value found during the interval is trended, starting at the beginning of the interval, 12:00:00. In this case, 0.0 is trended from 12:00:00 to 12:10:00.]
  • Interpolated – The data is interpreted by assuming that the line between two values is a straight line. All points along that line are estimated except the starting point and the ending point. Available for Historian only.


This field is informational. You cannot edit this field.

Time Tab



Fixed Date

Specifies whether or not to enter a specific date on which to start the display, in the format MM/DD/YY (month/day/year).

Days Before Now

Specifies whether or not to enter a number of days prior to today to start the display. Allows you to enter the number of days prior to today to start the display. For example, if you want to define a time group to display data collected two days before the current date, enter 2.

Fixed Time

Specifies whether or not to designate a specific time to start the display, based on a 24 hour clock.

Lock Time

Locks the current Fixed Time, even if you change the time zone in the Date and Time Properties dialog box in the Control Panel. This field is available only when you designate a specific time to start the display using the Fixed Time field.

Duration Before Now

Specifies whether or not to enter the duration prior to the current time to start the display. The minimum duration for a display is 0 seconds; the maximum is 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.

Time Zone

Allows you to select the time zone to associate with the start time. You can select a specific time zone, or you can select the client time (time zone for your computer), the server time (time zone used by the Historian server), or the collector time (time zone of the collector machine). The default time zone is that of the client machine. This field is available only when Historian is being used.

Adjust for Daylight Saving Time

Adjusts the time if the zone you selected is experiencing daylight saving. This field works only if you selected the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes check box located on the Time Zone tab of the Date/Time Properties dialog box in the Control Panel. This field is available only when Historian is being used.


Allows you to enter the duration for the display, which determines how much data to display on the x axis. The minimum duration for a display is 1 second; the maximum is 99 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.


Displays the time.

Display Milliseconds

Displays milliseconds on the time axis and time cursor in the chart and milliseconds in the (Interval) Time field when Historian is being used. This field is available only when Historian is being used.

X-Axis Tab



Show X Axis

Specifies whether or not to display the x axis in the chart.

Number of Labels

Allows you to specify how many labels the x axis will contain. You can enter a maximum of 21 labels.

Number of Ticks

Allows you to specify how many ticks the x axis will contain. You can enter a maximum of 21 ticks.

Axis Color

Allows you to choose a color for the axis.

Show Date

Allows you to display the current date in the x axis of the chart.

Allow Reset of Axis Limits

Lets you control changes to the limits on the x (time) axis in a chart. Initially, the limits are set to match the time specified on the Time tab of the Chart Customization dialog box. However, when you select this check box, you enable the time axis limits of your chart to be reset after you right-click the object to zoom out. The chart resets the time axis limits to the values of the Start Time and End properties.

Show Title

Specifies whether or not to display the title of the x axis in the chart.


Allows you to specify a title for the x axis in the chart. You can enter a title of up to 255 characters.

Y-Axis Tab



Show Y Axis

Specifies whether or not to display the y axis in the chart.

Number of Labels

Allows you to specify how many labels the y axis will contain. You can enter a maximum of 21 labels.

Number of Ticks

Allows you to specify how many ticks the x axis will contain. You can enter a maximum of 21 ticks.

Axis Color

Allows you to choose a color for the axis.

Allow Reset of Axis Limits

Lets you control changes to the limit on the y (value) axis in a chart. Initially, the limits are set to match the High and Low limits specified on the Pen tab of the Chart Customization dialog box. However, when you select this check box, you enable the value axis limits of your chart to be reset after you right-click the object to zoom out. The chart resets the value axis limits to the values of the HiLimit and LoLimit properties.

Show Title

Specifies whether or not to display the title of the x axis in the chart.


Allows you to specify a title for the x axis in the chart. You can enter a title of up to 255 characters.

Grid Tab



Show Horizontal Grid

Specifies whether or not to display the horizontal grid in a chart.

Number of Lines (Horizontal)

Allows you to specify the number of lines in the horizontal grid. The maximum number of lines you can have in your grid is 21.

Grid Color (Horizontal)

Allows you to specify a color for the grid.

Grid Style (Horizontal)

Allows you to apply a style to the chart's horizontal grid line. The options are the same as for the chart's line styles.

Scroll Grid (Horizontal)

Specifies whether or not to scroll the grid.

Show Vertical Grid

Specifies whether or not to display the vertical grid in a chart.

Number of Lines (Vertical)

Allows you to specify the number of lines in the vertical grid. The maximum number of lines you can have in your grid is 21.

Grid Color (Vertical)

Allows you to specify a color for the grid.

Grid Style (Vertical)

Allows you to apply a style to the chart's vertical grid line. The options are the same as for the chart's line styles.

Legend Tab




Specifies whether or not to display a data source in the legend.


Specifies whether or not to display a description in the legend.


Allows you to enter the number of characters that represents the length of the value.


Specifies whether or not to display data units in the legend.


Specifies whether or not to display a data mode in the legend.

High Limit

Specifies whether or not to display a data high limit value in the legend.

Low Limit

Specifies whether or not to display a data low limit value in the legend.


Specifies whether or not to display a data interval in the legend.

High Over Range

Specifies whether or not to display the high data value of a pen in a specified time range.

Low Over Range

Specifies whether or not to display the low data value of a pen in a specified time range.

Average Over Range

Specifies whether or not to display the average data value of a pen in a specified time range.


Allows you to display the items you select in any order in the legend (left to right). To rearrange the order in the list, select the item and click the Up or Down arrow.

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