Error Severity Categories

Errors are categorized into three levels of severity, listed here from highest to lowest:

Application Errors – Security Synchronizer terminates without performing or completing synchronization. Error codes range from 200-299.

User Account Errors – Errors are encountered for individual user accounts, but the synchronization process completes. Error codes range from 100-199.

General Errors – Errors such as the inability to write to iFIX database tags are detected, but the synchronization process completes. Error codes range from 1-99.

You may encounter a fourth type of error caused when an invalid command line parameter is passed to the Security Synchronizer. This type of error does not cause values to be written to the iFIX database, but it does cause messages to be written to the security log file and the iFIX alarm destinations.

You can configure error conditions to be reported in the Alarm Summary or other alarm destinations through the use of iFIX database tags. If the /E parameter is used to specify an analog error tag, you can configure that tag to alarm on the error value. For example, you can configure an Analog Input block that receives the error value to generate a HI alarm when the error value exceeds 99 or a HIHI alarm when the error value exceeds 199.