Defining the Security Path

The security files that you create reside in a path called the security path. The Security Configuration program sets this path to the iFIX Local path by default, but you can change it to any other local or network path.

Determining the path to specify as the security path depends on your needs. If you want a node to have its own set of accounts, define a local path. However, if you want to share user and group accounts with other computers, specify a file server (network) path as the security path.

IMPORTANT: Be aware that when you enter a security path you must have read-write access to the path you designate. After you enter a path, the Security Configuration program creates lock files (SECLOCK.LCK and SECLOK2.LCK) allowing you to use the program with read-only access to the security path.

Before you define the path, verify that it exists. If it does, the Security Configuration program prompts you to copy the files to the new path. If the path does not exist, the following text appears:

Security path invalid or unavailable. Continue?

Click Cancel or the No button to abort the process and create the path you want to use. If you plan to create the path later, click the Yes button. The following text appears:

Security Files must be manually copied from oldpath

Click OK to acknowledge the message and copy the security files to the path you specified. If you do not create the new path or copy the security files to it, you will be unable to restart the Security Configuration program.

See Also

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