You can also include the following wildcards in queries containing the equal to (=) operator.
The wildcard... |
Represents... |
Asterisk (*) |
One or more characters. |
Question mark (?) |
Any single character. |
Examples: Query Wildcards
The query... |
Retrieves... |
{Type} = "*" |
Every block in the database. |
{Tag Name} ="A*" |
Every block whose name that begins with an "A." |
{Type} = "?I" |
All Analog Input and Digital Input blocks. |
Other operators, such as the greater than (>) or less than (<) operators, treat wildcards literally.
Examples: Using Relational Operators
The query... |
Retrieves... |
{Scan Time} > "?M" |
No blocks, because the question mark is treated literally and "1M" through "9M" have a lesser ASCII value than "?M". |
{Scan Time} = "?M" |
All blocks with a scan time from 1 minute to 9 minutes. |