Deleting Blocks

Whenever you find that specific blocks are no longer needed, you can delete them from the database. Database Manager lets you delete blocks by selecting:

  • The blocks you want to remove and cutting them without subsequently pasting them
  • The Delete button from Database Manager's toolbar (Classic view)
  • The Delete button from the Blocks group on the Home tab (Ribbon View).

The difference between these methods is the Delete button in Classic View or Delete in Ribbon view removes the selected blocks completely and does not let you retrieve them if you change your mind. By cutting blocks, you instruct Database Manager to save a copy on the clipboard allowing you to paste them back into the database until the next copy or cut occurs.

Regardless of the method you choose to remove the blocks, Database Manager displays a message box with the following text:

Following tag(s) selected for deletion from database

Click Cancel to retain the blocks and continue using Database Manager. If you click Delete All, Database Manager deletes the blocks and takes the chains containing them off scan. Make sure you place the chain on scan when you finish editing it. iFIX provides several ways to do this. For more information about placing a block or chain on scan, refer to the section Placing Blocks On and Off Scan.

If the deleted block was in the middle of the chain, Database Manager attempts to connect the two portions of the chain as the Removing a Block from a Chain figure shows.


See Also

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