Building Large Databases

With Database Manager you can create very large databases. If you do this, keep in mind:

  • The size of the database that you can construct is limited by the amount of memory you have available in your computer.
  • Plan your database carefully. A database that implements a good scan time and phasing scheme will provide better system performance than the same database that has its blocks scanned all at once.
  • iFIX provides a number of features that can aid in processing large databases:
    • Exception-based processing (triggered by a change at the I/O address).
    • One shot processing.
    • Long scan times (up to 24 hours with phasing configurations of up to HRS:HRS, HRS:MIN, MIN:MIN, MIN:SEC, and so forth).
    • Subsecond processing.

For more information on these topics, refer to the section Scan Times.


See Also