Pausing Alarms

At run-time, operators can monitor the status of the Alarm ODBC Service with the Alarm ODBC tab in Mission Control. This tabbed page tracks:

  • The number of alarms and messages written to the relational database.
  • The number of times the service connected to and disconnected from the relational database.
  • Whether the Alarm ODBC Service is connected and logged into the relational database.

The Alarm ODBC tab also lets you pause alarming when you enable it in the Alarm ODBC Service. Typically, you pause alarms when you are testing and debugging your system. While alarming is paused, the Alarm ODBC Service does not send data to the relational database and does not save the alarms that occur.

CAUTION: To prevent alarm loss, do not pause alarming unless absolutely necessary.

For more information on the Alarm ODBC tab in Mission Control, refer to the section Viewing Alarm ODBC Information in the Setting up the Environment manual.