You can define a common alarm and message format for the Alarm File, Alarm Printer, and Alarm History Services. The common format defines the alarm and message fields received by these alarm services. These fields provide the:
- Date and time of the alarm or message. The supported date format is month/day/year (mm/dd/yyyy) and is determined by the Regional Settings control. The default time format is hour:minute:second.subsecond (hh:mm:ss.n). You can change this to display time down to the millisecond.
- Name of the SCADA server and block that generated the alarm or message. If you enable logical node names in the SCU, the name of the SCADA server is the logical name you define.
- Block's current value, engineering unit (EGU) label, description, and alarm state (for example, High, Low, Deviation).
In addition, you can also:
- Enter the field length. If a field is not long enough to hold all of its data, iFIX truncates the text.
- Arrange the order of the fields by moving each field name up or down in a list with arrow buttons. Fields at the top of the list appear first in the alarm or message.