Upgrade Return Codes

Find out what Predix Machine upgrade return codes mean.

A return code of 0 indicates that your Predix Machine upgrade was successful. Other return codes indicate a problem during the upgrade. Return codes between 20-49 indicate a problem with the package, or with Yeti. Codes greater than 50 indicate a problem with the install script or procedure.

Common return codes are listed in the following table.
Error CodeDescription
21No signature file found for the associated ZIP file. Package origin could not be verified.
22Package origin was not verified to be from the Predix cloud. Installation failed.
23Unable to extract archive using JAR or unzip utilities. Cannot perform upgrade.
24Incorrect ZIP format. Applications should be a single folder with the packagename/install/install.sh structure.
51An error occurred while running the install script.
52Predix Machine did not reconnect to the cloud after the installation of the package.
53An error occurred while running the installation script. The installation script did not produce a JSON result to verify its completion.
54Previous backup directory could not be removed.
55Previous directory could not be copied to backup directory.old.
56Update could not be moved to the container data directory.
100The installation is in progress. Yeti does not check for the JSON file created by the installation script and continues with the other installations. Use this only if another process creates the status JSON file, such as after a system restart.