About the User Account and Authentication Security Service
User Account and Authentication is a security service available in the Predix marketplace.
The User Account and Authentication (UAA) service is the primary authentication service on the Predix platform. It enables developers to add user authentication and authorization capabilities to their application. Application developers can obtain a UAA instance from the Predix marketplace and configure the instance to authenticate trusted users and clients for their application. UAA service offers a virtual OAuth2 server to customers to issue and validate tokens for client applications.
UAA Application or Predix UAA allows Predix customers and developers to create virtual UAA instances with the available controls and configurations. Each UAA instance acts as a separate OAuth server. Predix UAA also offers a UAA Dashboard to manage the UAA instance administrative activities, RESTful endpoints, and a command line (UAAC) tool.
UAA includes the following features:
Identity management through SCIM APIs.
A complete OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
Login and logout services for UAA authentication.
SAML federation capabilities to meet third-party SAML identity provider requirements.
The UAA Server supports the APIs described in the open source UAA documentation .
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