Microapp Approach

A single-page application uses Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX) requests and HTML5 to create fluid and responsive user interactions without constant page reloads. However, much of this work running in a browser occurs as complex state transitions following the Model View Controller architecture (see Modern Web Application for more information):
  • There are global state changes (such as going offline in a real time application) .
  • There are delayed results from AJAX requests that get returned at some point from back end operations
  • There are changes to the Model function as values change.
  • There are Domain Object Model (DOM) events that cause small state changes in the View function.
  • There are changes to the Controller function that cause state changes in the View function..

The microapp approach implements a conventional single-page application as a suite of microservices. Microservices are atomic, self-contained services that typically perform a single operation on a back-end system, such as a retrieving a customer record.

Figure 1. Microapp Approach

This means that microapps provide a range of capabilities that can be focused on specific tasks. For example, end users benefit from a View function that is tailored to their specific requirements.