Configure Search
- Access the Search Configuration Page selecting the family for which you want to configure search results.
- As necessary, modify the following options for the family:
- Increase Rank: You can enter a numeric value to specify the location of the family within search results. The higher the number, the higher the priority. The lowest number that you can enter is 0.
Exclude: Indicates whether or not the family is indexed, and therefore searchable.
Important: Before you modify this option, you should ensure that you understand how this setting may affect other areas of the application.
- As necessary, in the Field Search Settings section, modify the following options for each field within a family:
Display Field?: Indicates the field whose text will be displayed in the search results. The ENTITY_ID field is the default for all fields.
- Index?: Indicates whether or not the field is indexed, and therefore searchable.
- Partial Search Pattern: This field allows you to use regular expressions to configure more streamlined searches. For examples and instructions on how to properly use this field, refer to Use Partial Search Patterns.
- Select Save.
Your changes are reflected in search results throughout GE Digital APM.