Configure Search


  1. Access the Search Configuration Page selecting the family for which you want to configure search results.
  2. As necessary, modify the following options for the family:
    • Increase Rank: You can enter a numeric value to specify the location of the family within search results. The higher the number, the higher the priority. The lowest number that you can enter is 0.
    • Exclude: Indicates whether or not the family is indexed, and therefore searchable.

      Important: Before you modify this option, you should ensure that you understand how this setting may affect other areas of the application.
  3. As necessary, in the Field Search Settings section, modify the following options for each field within a family:
    • Display Field?: Indicates the field whose text will be displayed in the search results. The ENTITY_ID field is the default for all fields.

    • Index?: Indicates whether or not the field is indexed, and therefore searchable.
    • Partial Search Pattern: This field allows you to use regular expressions to configure more streamlined searches. For examples and instructions on how to properly use this field, refer to Use Partial Search Patterns.
  4. Select Save.

    Your changes are reflected in search results throughout GE Digital APM.