If the list of health indicator sources in the AHM Admin page becomes out of sync with the actual list of available health indicators, an admin may need to resync your health indicators.
About This Task
Typically, the health indicator sources remain in sync with the list of available health indicators. However, if the Asset Health Indicator service was down, or if an admin reset the health indicator service, the list of health indicator sources in the AHM Admin page may become out of sync with the list of available health indicators. In this scenario, complete the following procedure to resync health indicators.Procedure
- In the module navigation menu, select
- Select Health Indicator Source Management.
The Health Indicator Source Management workspace appears, displaying a list of potential health indicator sources as well as the date when the list was last resynced.
- Select Resync Health Indicators.
A window appears, asking you to confirm whether you want to proceed.
- Select Yes.
A sync job begins. When the job is completed, the Last Resynced date is updated, and the health indicators are resynced.