About Behavior Section Fields

Field-level behavior defines how a field behaves. You can define the behavior of a field in the New field window or the window that appears when you select a field to modify, using the Behavior box in the Behavior section. You can also add multiple conditions using the If and Else statements to determine if a behavior will be applied or not. The conditions in the If section are evaluated first. If the results are TRUE, the behaviors are applied without evaluating the Else section. If the results are FALSE, the conditions in the Else section are evaluated.

The following example shows a valid example of applying multiple If and Else conditions:
Table 1. If (This will be true if field A has a value of A, B or C)
OrField AEqualsA
OrField AEqualsB
OrField AEqualsC
Table 2. Else (If Field A is not (A, B or C), check if it is M)
AndField AEqualsM
The following example shows an incorrect way of applying multiple If and Else conditions:
Table 3. If (This will never be true)
OrField AEqualsA
OrField AEqualsB
OrField AEqualsC
AndField AEqualsM
If (field A = A or B or C and M)
    Apply Behavior1
Else (field A = M)
    Apply Behavior2

When you define the properties of a field, the Behavior drop-down list box is updated with the corresponding options. If a behavior is not supported for a field, the option is not displayed in the Behavior drop-down list box. For example, for a field with the Character data type, the Format Value option is not available. Select Edit to access the existing field-level behaviors, which are listed above the Behavior drop-down list box.

For the fields of a baseline GE Digital APM family, the rules defined in the Rules Library are inherited at the field level. For a baseline family, the Default option indicates that the baseline rules are applied. Depending on the rules that are inherited from the Rules Library, the field may not have any behavior. For the fields of a custom family (that is, a family that is added to the GE Digital APM baseline database), the Default option indicates that no rules exist.

In a parent family, when you set the behavior for a field that is spread to its subfamily, and if the field behavior contains a field that is not available in the subfamily, the inherited field behavior for the subfamily is set to Default. For example, in the parent family, if you modify Field 1 that is spread to its subfamily and you select Field 3 as the Literal Value for Field 1, and if Field 3 does not exist in the subfamily, the behavior of Field 1 in the subfamily is set to Default.
Note: When a field behavior is configured at parent family:
  • If any changes are made after saving the parent family, the spread of the specific behavior will not be spread down again and must be made on the child family field.
  • If a child family field has a behavior that is spread down, you cannot create a second behavior only on the child family. A new behavior needs to be created on the parent.
The following table describes the options available in the Behavior drop-down list box.
ParameterDescriptionParameter Option
Default Defines the default value for a field. If you select this option, the field is populated with the default value. You cannot use this behavior in fields with the Binary data type.
To add the default behavior, perform the following steps:
  1. Select the field where you want to add the default behavior.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Default.
  3. Select Add.
  4. In the Left Side Constant box, enter the default value.
    Note: If the Data Type of the field is Date, you can select the Current Date check box to display the current date as the default value.


    If you want the default value to be populated from another field, in the Left Side Field drop-down list box, select the field from which you want to populate the value.

Disabled Determines whether the field should be disabled.If you select this option, the field is disabled and cannot be modified. You cannot use this behavior in fields with the Binary data type.
To add the Disabled behavior to a field, perform the following steps:
  1. Select the field that you want to disable.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Disabled.
  3. Select Add.
  4. In the Condition drop-down list box, select one of the following options:
    • Is New: Select this if the record is new.
    • Is Not New: Select this if the record is not new.
    • Security Group: Select this if the current user belongs to a Security Group.
      Note: If the condition is Security Group, in the Right Side Constant drop-down list box, select the required Security Group. Alternatively, you can select a field in the Right Side Field drop-down list box to specify the Security Group.
    • Security Group Query: Select this to run a query to determine the Security Group to check. The value is taken from the first column in the query.
      Note: If the condition is Security Group Query, in the Right Side Constant drop-down list box, select the required catalog query.
    • None: Select this if you do not want to specify the conditions mentioned earlier.
  5. In the Operator drop-down list box, select any one of the following options:
    • Assign False: Select this if the field is never disabled.
    • Assign True: Select this if the field is always disabled.
    • GreaterThan: Select this if you want to disable the field based on the comparison of two fields. You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is greater than the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the field is disabled.
    • Equal: Select this if you want to disable the field based on the comparison of two fields. You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the field values are equal, the field is disabled.
    • GreaterThanEqual: Select this if you want to disable the field based on the comparison of two fields. You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is greater than or equal to the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the field is disabled.
    • IsFalse: Select this if you want to disable the field when the value is not equal to a specific value. You can add the value that needs to be compared in the Left Side Constant box. Alternatively, you can select a field in the Left Side Field drop-down list box. If the value is false, the field is disabled.
    • IsNotNull: Select this if you want to disable the field if the value in a field is not null. You can add the value that needs to be compared in the Left Side Constant box. Alternatively, you can select a field in the Left Side Field drop-down list box. If the value is not null, the field is disabled.
    • IsNull: Select this if you want to disable the field if the value in a field is null. You can add the value that needs to be compared in the Left Side Constant box. Alternatively, you can select a field in the Left Side Field drop-down list box. If the value is not null, the field is disabled.
    • IsTrue: Select this if you want to disable the field if the Boolean value in a field is true. You can add the value that needs to be compared in the Left Side Constant box. Alternatively, you can select a field containing the Boolean value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box. If the value is true, the field is disabled.
    • LessThan: Select this if you want to disable the field based on the comparison of two fields. You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is less than the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the field is disabled.
    • Less Than Equal: Select this if you want to disable the field based on the comparison of two fields. You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is less than or equal to the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the field is disabled.
    • Not Equal: Select this if you want to disable the field based on the comparison of two fields. You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the field values are not equal, the field is disabled.
    • None: Select this if you do not want to apply any operator.
  6. Select .
    Note: You can add multiple disabled behaviors using If and Else conditions.
Format Value

Determines the formatting rules that should be applied to the value of a field.

You can define the format of the field value. Only the Numeric and Date data types support the Format Value behavior. You can use only one format behavior for a field.

To add the Format behavior to a field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the field where you want to add the format.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Format.
  3. Select Add.
  4. In the Format Value drop-down list box, select the format that you want to use.
    Note: After you select a format, an example value with the selected format appears next to the Format Value drop-down list box.
  5. Select .
Note: In the Format Value drop-down list box, if you select the custom format, then the standard numeric format string values defined by Microsoft are used. For more information, refer to Standard numeric format string. For example, to display a date in 2021-01-31 format, you need to specify yyyy-MM-dd.
Hidden Determines whether a field should be shown or hidden.You can select this behavior to hide a field. You cannot use this behavior in fields with the Binary data type.

To add the Hidden behavior to a field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the field that you want to hide.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Hidden.
  3. Select Add.
    Note: The configuration options for the Hidden behavior is same as that for the Disabled behavior. To configure this behavior, refer to the configuration steps (that is, Step 4 and Step 5) in the row that describes the Disabled parameter option.
  4. Select .
Masked Field Determines whether the characters entered in the field should be masked.You can select this behavior to mask the characters entered in the field. The characters in the field are masked with the special character *. You can use this behavior only in fields with the Character data type. You can use only one Masked Field behavior in a field.

To add the Masked Field behavior to a field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the field that you want to mask.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Masked Field.
  3. Select Add.
  4. Select .
Required Determines whether a value must be entered in a field before you save a record in the family.You can select this behavior if you want the field to be required to save a record. If a value is not entered in a required field, an error message appears when you save the record. You cannot use this behavior in fields with the Binary data type.

To add the Required behavior to a field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the field that you want to mask.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Required.
  3. Select Add.
    Note: The configuration options for the Required behavior is same as that for the Disabled behavior. To configure this behavior, refer to the configuration steps (that is, Step 4 and Step 5) in the row that describes the Disabled parameter option.
  4. Select .
State ManagementDetermines if the State Management ID should be displayed in the State Management field.You can use this behavior only in State Management fields. The field caption can be localized.

To add the State Management behavior to a field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the state management field to which you want to add the behavior.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select State Management.
  3. Select Add.
  4. Select the required state management.
  5. Select .

Defines the validation rules that will be used to validate values that are entered in a field.

You can use this behavior if you want to force the values in a field to conform to specified limits or criteria that are considered valid. You can use this behavior only in fields with the Numeric and Date data types.

To add validations to a field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the field to which you want to add the validations.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Validate.
  3. Select Add.
  4. In the Operator drop-down list box, select any one of the following options:
    • GreaterThan: You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is greater than the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the validation is successful.
    • Equal: You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is equal to the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the validation is successful.
    • GreaterThanEqual: You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is greater than or equal to the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the validation is successful.
    • LessThan: You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is less than the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the validation is successful.
    • Less Than Equal: You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is less than or equal to the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the validation is successful.
    • Not Equal: You can add the field values that need to be compared in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value in the Left Side Field drop-down list box is not equal to the value in the Right Side Field drop-down list box, the validation is successful.
    • BetweenExclusive: Defines that the value entered in the field must be between the two specified values but cannot include the specified values. You can add the field values in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value is between the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes (excluding the specified values), the validation is successful.
    • BetweenInclusive: Defines that the value entered in the field must be between the two specified values and can include the specified values. You can add the field values in the Left Side Constant and Right Side Constant boxes. Alternatively, you can select the fields in the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes. If the value is between the Left Side Field and Right Side Field drop-down list boxes (including the specified values), the validation is successful.
    Note: You can add multiple validations behaviors using If and Else conditions.
  5. Select .

Defines a list of values that will be available for selection.

You can use this behavior to display a list of values for selection, only for the fields with the Character or Text data type.

To add this behavior to a field, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the field to which you want to add the predefined values.
  2. In the Behavior drop-down list box, select Picklist.
  3. Select Add.
  4. In the Operator drop-down list box, select any one of the following options:
    • ConstantList: Select this option if you want to define constant values for the drop-down list. When you select this option, a text box appears. In the text box, you can enter a value that should appear in the drop-down list box, and then select Add.
    • QueryList: Select this option if you want to define the list of values that should appear in the drop-down list box by using a query. When you select this option, the Select a Query box appears, where you can select the query from which you want to populate the values. The values in the first column of the query result are used for displaying values in the drop-down list box of a datasheet.
    • SystemCodeList: Select this option if you want to define the list of values that should appear in the drop-down list box by using a system code table. When you select this option, the Choose box appears, where you can select the system code table from which you want to populate the values.
    • SystemCodeListRef: Select this option if you want to define the list of values from system code values based on the system code reference table and static system reference code.
    • SystemCodeListRefField: Select this option if you want to define the list of values from system code values based on the system code reference table and a field that contains the system reference code value.
  5. Select .
Note: You can delete any existing behavior or a condition in a behavior by selecting next to the behavior or condition.