Create a Datasheet

About This Task

When creating a datasheet in Configuration Manager, you can create the following types of datasheets:
  • Master/Detail Datasheet
  • Custom Datasheet


  • Create a Master/Detail Datasheet:
    1. Access the Datasheet Builder for the master family for which you want to create a datasheet.
    2. Select , and then select Master/Detail datasheet.
      The Create New Datasheet window appears.
    3. Enter a caption, default ID, and a description for the new datasheet, and then select OK.
      Note: If you want your datasheet to be the default datasheet for this family, select the Default check box.
      The Datasheet Builder page appears.
    4. Select the master family datasheet, detail family, detail family datasheet, and the relationship family to be shown in the datasheet, using the respective drop-down list boxes
    5. Select the check boxes for any datasheet-level permissions that you want to make available for the detail family records displayed in the datasheet.
    6. Select Save.
      The Master/Detail datasheet is created.
  • Create a Custom Datasheet:
    1. Access the Datasheet Builder for the family for which you want to create a datasheet.
    2. Select , and then select Custom datasheet.
      The Create New Datasheet window appears.
    3. Enter a caption, default ID, and description for the new datasheet, and then select OK.
      Note: If you want your datasheet to be the default datasheet for this family, then select the Default check box.
    4. In the datasheet, select .

      The Datasheet Builder workspace appears.

    5. Select Custom Layout or Tabular Layout depending on your preference.
    6. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
    7. Select Save.
      The Custom datasheet is created.

What To Do Next