An aerospace update from GE
Edition - 3

GE partners with TIDCO to set up Centre of Excellence for additive manufacturing

Metal additive manufacturing (MAM), also known as 3D printing, is a scalable manufacturing technology whose adoption is being deployed at scale across many industries, globally. As one of the representative cutting-edge technologies, 3D printing provides efficient solutions for rapid and accurate personalized manufacturing. The technology enables production of personalized goods at reduced development costs, shorter lead times, decreased energy consumption during manufacturing, and much less material waste. Interest in additive manufacturing (AM) remains high across India. AM innovation is being led by the aerospace and defense, healthcare, and automotive sectors, which were early adopters and are now super users of the technology.
Exhibiting world-leading technology in aircraft engines and development, GE Aerospace, together with the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. (TIDCO), recently inaugurated the Tamil Nadu Advanced Manufacturing Centre of Excellence (TAMCoE), in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in November 2022.
TAMCoE will work towards the technology development of aviation engine parts using additive manufacturing and will also take up projects in the development of predictive analytical solutions for additive manufacturing for Industry 4.0.
Innovation gains traction by having an expert ecosystem on hand and focal points like TAMCoE to foster research and development, collaboration, and education. The new 150,000-square-foot facility in Chennai’s Tidel Park, Tharamani will harness the potential of additive manufacturing and support India’s national AM strategy in three ways:

1. Create a hub for generation and dissemination of knowledge, as well as transferrable skills for supporting local industrial ecosystem development in Tamil Nadu.
2. Develop and share process knowledge using additive technologies for key growth industries—primarily aerospace, but also medical and orthopaedic and automotive sectors.
3. Work closely with industry bodies to build a platform for local industry to benefit from the work generated by the CoE.
Partnership and shared learnings are as important as the technology in driving growth and adoption. The GE partnership with the government of Tamil Nadu is a significant landmark in the growth of the aerospace and defense ecosystem in the state. TAMCoE is the first milestone of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by TIDCO and GE Aerospace in 2021 with an investment of about INR 141.26 crores over five years, by both parties. With the establishment of this facility, Tamil Nadu will emerge as an aerospace and defense hub for research and development and advanced manufacturing of aerospace parts.
(This article is compiled by GE from publicly available information.)

GE Aerospace is a world-leading provider of jet engines, components, and systems for commercial and military aircraft with a global service network. We have been a pivotal partner in driving India’s growth story across military aviation equipment, and local manufacturing through future-forward technologies. Our partners and customers in India include government enterprises, large Indian conglomerates, as well small and medium-sized companies in aviation, healthcare, and energy sectors. We work closely with the government under their flagship schemes to support sectoral ambitions. Turbo is a GE-curated quarterly newsletter on the aviation sector. In this edition, through our collaborative Centre of Excellence (CoE) with Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. (TIDCO), we share how additive manufacturing is being deployed at scale to make an impact across industries.
Mahesh Palashikar, President, GE South Asia
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