Software suite

Solutions that help lower costs and maintain safe operation

Power plant digitalization tools help control costs, quality, and schedule outside the nuclear realm, and they it can also improve construction and performance in even the best-run power plants. GE Hitachi offers a suite of digital power plant solutions as part of its standard plant offering. This technology helps enable a less expensive standard nuclear plant design as well as safer and more reliable plant operation and maintenance (O&M).


Explore our digital power plant solutions


This software contains a collection of plant design management applications built to reduce upfront cost and schedule by standardizing the common data environment used during the build phase. This process-centric system helps progress a project from a standard plant design to a fully functional commercial operation.


  • 3D drawings and models
  • Multi-CAD capability
  • Requirements management
  • Configuration management
  • Design documents
  • Resource-loaded schedule
  • Should-cost estimates
  • Collaboration tools
  • Dashboard/reporting
  • Templates

BWR Operating System (OS)

Because no “standard plant” is standard, GEH delivers site-specific monitoring and diagnostics (M&D), training, operating experience (OE), and quality applications. These foundational plant applications aim to lower staffing requirements and associated costs while maintaining safe operation and supporting regulatory audits.


  • Fully integrated
  • Change management
  • Documents and records
  • 3D building information management (BIM) visual configuration display
  • Access to fleet spares

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