SmartSignal Brochure

The GE Digital SmartSignal solution delivers early and accurate detection of developing issues and provides actionable early warnings. Solving the analysis gap Regardless of the specifics, your business is focused on raising operational and financial performance, while lowering surprises. You’re investing in data for optimizing operations—yet equipment problems still persist. Mountains of data and overwhelming numbers of alarms are causing confusion. Simply put, you have too much data and too little time, and this is preventing you from making better decisions. In spite of your investments, you’re still dealing with unplanned outages and unneeded preventative maintenance. This gap consumes your people’s time, your asset life, and your operating and maintenance budgets, so your performance is constrained. GE Digital's SmartSignal solution can help close this gap. Integrating with your existing DCS/SCADA and condition monitoring systems, the SmartSignal solution can deliver early and accurate detection of developing issues and provide actionable early warnings. The SmartSignal software can filter your data accurately and earlier in the degradation of equipment, giving you more time to mitigate an impending failure. With available sensor and operations data, you can decrease analysis burden and help eliminate failure and waste. The result is “save where you can” and “spend where you should.” Avoid surprise equipment failure