Predictive Monitoring Services

Hydro Success Stories Turbine Air Admission Valve Stuck on a Francis Turbine in Canada Filter Clogging issue on a Horizontal Francis Turbine in Turkey GE’s Predictive Analytics solution avoided damage to a hydropower turbine by detecting runner cavitation caused by an issue with the air admission valve that was stuck in the closed position while the unit was in service. This issue was adding to a known pre-existing sole plate sticking issue. This detection allowed the operators to fix the problem that would have otherwise remained unnoticed and could have led to the wiping of bearings and severe runner cavitation damages. The value of this catch was estimated at $65,000 - $130,000 CAD . GE’s Remote Monitoring and Diagnostic team detected a gradual temperature increase on the oil lubricated bearing system of a horizontal Francis turbine using Machine Learning technology. This early notification triggered a predictive maintenance action; the site team prioritized the troubleshooting and corrected the filter clogging issue earlier than the scheduled planned maintenance. This helped to prevent a potential forced unit outage and thrust bearing repair work, avoiding 149,000€ in costs (production loss + repair work). Early notification was issued of a potential shock at the upper guide bearing resulting from loose pads. After discussing the shock detected by GE’s Remote Monitoring & Diagnostic team, an operator went onsite, inspected the upper guide bearing, and found that some of the tilt devices were loose. The corrective action performed was to restore the fixation devices back to their original tightening conditions, stopping the abnormal degradation of the bearing pads. An estimated 162,000€ of unexpected cost was avoided. A pump storage plant in Spain avoided 49,000€ in costs thanks to GE’s Hydro Digital predictive monitoring system and early notice of abnormal temperature on a bearing, generated by lubricating oil water contamination. Lubricating oil water contamination at a Pump Storage Hydro Plant in Spain Loose Guide Bearing Pads on a Kaplan Turbine in Portugal