

What can upgrading do for you?

Primary frequency control (PFC) enables a frequency response to maintain grid stability. This PFC frequency response algorithm replaces the tuning of regular droop speed controls, which are standard on any turbine:

  • Maintains correct frequency for turbine/generator by adjusting the total MW output
  • Capability for the equipment to react immediately when system frequency is beyond dead band limits
  • More accurate grid frequency measurements
  • Continuously maintain required reserves in line with grid fluctuations
  • Allows customer control on their reserve in line with the resultant deviations in the system frequency

Incorporation of latest fuel core includes 25 software improvements focused on:

  • SPRINT* and NOx water schedule optimization (reduced chance of water in the turbine lube oil)
  • Expanded operating ranges on PS3, T2, and T3
  • Improved trip reduction
  • Integrated SPRINT* and NOx water schedule benefits:
  • NOx water active during fuel transfers
  • SPRINT* water flow dependent from fuel flow
  • Variable SPRINT* modulates water flow to better accommodate load following and lower water consumption in base load operations

How we get you there

  • Immediately activates when the grid frequency is not within the set dead band limits and responds within 30 seconds
  • Turbine power will increase or decrease in response to any sudden changes
  • Allows dispatch operations to set a reserve power setting (from 65% power to base load) to allow automatic increase or decrease in power during grid frequency shifts
  • Enables operation of the plant and equipment continuously between 47.5 – 52.0 Hz and for at least 20 seconds between 47.0 – 47.5 Hz
  • Engineered to be enabled/disabled from a local HMI or via remote operations
  • An optional high-speed data log is available with sensitivity to 10 mHz

Contact us

Contact us for a quote on primary frequency control upgrades.