
What can upgrading do for you?

The LM6000 S7 fuel core upgrade incorporates the following enhancements as compared to the S6 software block.

Cost savings:

  • NOx water scheduling optimization for 2 - 3% water savings
  • SPRINT* water savings from heat rate improvement at lower power settings
  • DLE mapping enhancements from reduced or eliminated seasonal mapping requirements

Trip reduction and reliability improvements:

  • Robust flame-out detection improvements during start up, range expanded to N25 > 500 RPM, reducing the risk of hung starts
  • HPC discharge temperature T3 and T48 regulator improvement
  • Nuisance SPRINT* alarm removal
  • N25 MAX scheduling update helps reach sync idle quickly and reliably
  • Improved alarm control logic that reduces false alarms
  • Improved control logic that reduces turbine trips to help increase plant revenue and efficiency

S7 enables the following optional performance improvements:

  • Primary frequency control (PFC) incorporates advanced frequency control algorithms to meet requirements from many different grid authorities, allowing a temporary 2 MW bump for grid stability
  • Peak performance with throttle push, up to 5% higher output
  • Fast Start capability with < 10-minute start

How we get you there

The S7 software block change introduces improvements in primary PFC for grid stability, new dry low emissions (DLE) mapping capabilities to reduce seasonal mapping needs, and additional trip reduction and reliability updates.

  • The S7 core logic upgrade incorporates all current software action requests (SARs) for LM6000 PC and PD engines
  • Optional performance enhancements, such as the < 10-minute Fast Start, may require additional hardware modifications

Contact us

Contact us for a quote on our S7 fuel control upgrade.