
What can upgrading do for you?

The upgrade enables high-speed regulation, primary frequency response, and voltage support (-8 to +5 MVAR) with the combined response of the gas turbine and battery storage system:

  • 50 MW+of green house gas free contingency reserve
  • 50 MW+ of flexible capacity
  • 50 MW+ of peaking energy
  • 25 MW of high quality regulation
  • 10MVA of reactive voltage support and primary frequency response when not online
  • Zero fuel use and emissions between dispatch events while supporting ancillary services

How we get you there

With the integrated battery energy storage system, the GE Vernova inverters and GE’s LM6000 OpFlex controls upgrade, we can transform your GE Vernova LM6000 to a powerful tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide benefits while balancing the use of renewable and combined-cycle gas turbine assets.

How it works:

  • 10 MW Li power battery
  • GE Vernova Brilliant 1.25 MVA inverters
  • OpFlex Hybrid Upgrade Package
  • Mark* VIe-based control system
  • Proprietary control system software that uses the gas turbine to balance the storage system’s state of charge fully integrated and performance backed by GE

Contact us

Contact us for a quote on our LM6000 Hybrid EGT upgrade

*Trademark of GE Vernova and/or its affiliates