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See increased flexibility and extended performance with our MXL2 package. The low-pressure GT24 gas turbine uses a dual-operating mode, easily adjusting to the highs and lows of new demand.
output in combined-cycle “M Mode"
running hours before inspections in “XL Mode”
Fast facts
Time to install
Inspection type
The GT24 MXL2 upgrade is an evolution of one common hardware with two operating modes. It lets you increase efficiency and extend component life without losing reliability in your 50 Hz and 60 Hz environments.
The simple touch of a button switches you between M and XL mode, adjusting the inlet temperature of your new LP turbine—helping you adjust to fluctuating industry demands.
The benefits of 33% increased maintenance intervals and boosted efficiency and output come from:
Featured video
See how the MXL2 upgrade can help increase your GT24 gas turbine’s
flexibility and extend its performance. The low-pressure GT24 gas turbine
uses a dual-operating mode, easily adjusting to the highs and lows of new
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