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Improve your startup reliability by correcting ignition mass flow, improving your VIGV schedule and achieving a premix fuel ratio.
GT start-up is a phase of transient operation influenced by numerous factors. Under several specific conditions that depend on engine temperature, ambient conditions or fuel properties, the GT start-up sequence may not be completed successfully on the first attempt.
Related flexibility solutions
Building on the proven features of GE’s EnVironmental (EV) burner, the AEV burner employs a new continuous fuel variation concept as the basis for more flexible and reliable operation.
Building on the proven features of GE’s EnVironmental (EV) burner, the AEV burner employs a new continuous fuel variation concept as the basis for more flexible and reliable operation.
GE’s EV-alpha burner employs cutting-edge combustion technology—and reduces nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions by approximately 35%.
GE’s EV-alpha burner employs cutting-edge combustion technology—and reduces nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions by approximately 35%.
Explore how OpFlex Start Agility solutions can improve your simple and combined-cycle starts.
Explore how OpFlex Start Agility solutions can improve your simple and combined-cycle starts.
Reduce your start-up time and auxiliary power consumption while increasing your gas turbine start-up reliability with a GT13E2 fast start upgrade from GE.
Reduce your start-up time and auxiliary power consumption while increasing your gas turbine start-up reliability with a GT13E2 fast start upgrade from GE.
Gas Power engineers cleaner, more accessible energy that communities depend on to power growth and prosperity.
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