
What can upgrading do for you?

  • NOx emissions in upper part load range reduced by up to 35%
  • NOx emissions at base load: 15 ppm
  • Emissions compliant operation down to approximately 50% gas turbine relative load
  • Unchanged or even improved pulsation behavior during steady-state and transient operations
  • Enhanced combustion reliability due to improved pulsation behavior
  • Dual fuel capability unaffected

How we get you there

The need for operational flexibility and the challenge of complying with stricter emissions regulations are top of the agenda of every power plant owner. Our ongoing investment in burner technology has culminated in the new EV-alpha burner for the GT13E2.

Building on the proven features of GE's standard EnVironmental (EV) burner, the EV-alpha burner employs the latest cutting-edge combustion technology and reduces nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions by approximately 35%.

Contact us

Contact us for a quote on our GT13E2 EV-Alpha Burner.