
What can a dry low NOx combustion system upgrade do for you?

Turndown configuration for E-class gas turbines:

  • Reduce NOx/CO-compliant turndown to 35% of baseload with inlet bleed heating: a 25% improvement from previous limits

  • Improve baseload performance and emissions: 85% reduction in CO emissions combined with heat rate and output improvements of 0.25% and 0.4% with no impact on exhaust energy

  • Increase part-load simple-cycle efficiency: more than 2% reduction in heat rate at 70% gas turbine load

Peak fire configuration:

  • Increase simple-cycle output by up 8% by peak firing up to 100 °F: no impact on NOx emissions or turndown, and with CO levels 70% lower than at baseload

How we get you there

The burner introduces emissions-compliant low part-load operation, which enables operators to keep their assets online at times of low electrical demand, and react immediately when demand increases.

Contact us

Get a quote on our DLN combustion upgrade for E-class turbines.