
What can upgrading do for you?

  • Anti-icing system prevents ice related internal damage to engine blades, reducing turbine downtime and repair times. 
  • Anti-Icing system controls are automated to run only when ice is detected. 
  • Increased efficiencies and power outputs.

How we get you there

  • Waste heat from the combustion inlet air is used to heat the inlet air by 10 to 40 F° above ambient temperature, preventing icing.
  • The waste heat recovery system is a skid placed alongside the turbine, consisting of:
  • Pump system using a closed loop of glycol-water
  • Chilling coils
  • Air-filter house
  • Heat exchanger connected to the combustion inlet air waste heat recovery unit (WHRU)
  • Control logic allows system to be idle if icing is not present and to activate when icing detected. There are 4 total states: idle, anti-icing, air-purge, and full purge.

Contact us

Contact us for a quote on our anti-icing system upgrade.