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Increase output, efficiency and availability, while reducing fuel consumption and extending your 9F gas turbine assets with GE Vernova’s Advanced Gas Path (AGP).
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GE Vernova’s 9F AGP portfolio is a collection of evolved hot gas path upgrades that delivers industry leading performance and operational flexibility, driven by increased output, efficiency, and availability.
Output: Increased revenue generation
Up to +8% additional output while maintaining existing baseload for customers with output restrictions.
Efficiency: Improved heat rate at both full & part load
Up to 2% full load heat rate improvement for combined cycle.
Availability – Longer maintenance intervals
Up to 1,200 starts HGP interval
Up to 32,000 hours HGP interval
9F.01, .02, .03 AGP – Setting the standard for HGP upgrades
Up to +8% output and 2% CC heat rate reduction for customers seeking increased output and significant full load fuel savings. Provides up to 32k FFH interval extension.
9F.03 AGP Flex – Fusion of AGP & .03 Technology
Up to 0.8% CC heat rate reduction at part load for customers operating primarily at part load.
Customer stories
additional megawatts of power
additional homes powered
A construction conglomerate based out of Istanbul, ENKA has been supplying 13 percent of Turkey’s electricity since 2002, and has placed the first order for GE’s 9F AGP technology for 10 of its gas turbines at the Gebze, Adapazar, and İzmir power plants—a milestone for both companies.
Working with GE Vernova's Gas Power services business, ENKA is expected to deliver a total of up to approximately 150 additional megawatts (MW) of power, enough to generate electricity for more than 200,000 additional households in Turkey. The project also includes an extension of ENKA’s Parts and Services Agreement (PSA) with GE.
ENKA also expects to lower its emissions footprint with the installation of the AGP solution in tandem with GE Vernova’s Dry Low NOx (DLN) 2.6+ combustion system upgrade. Upon completion of this program, ENKA plants will reach over 57 percent combined efficiency.
Customer stories
17.64 MW
increase in output capacity
reduction in fuel consumption
By partnering closely with EGA/DUBAL engineers and operators, GE Vernova developed a tailored upgrade package to help EGA/DUBAL achieve its desired outcomes. EGA/DUBAL engineers can optimize the machines for fuel efficiency, maximum output and emissions, or balance all three.
"Incorporating these new technologies into our power station is central to our long-term strategy of producing aluminum products as efficienctly and cost-effectively as possible for our customers. The solutions GE Vernova has customized for our unique power demands will allow us to achieve such levels of efficiency."
Tayeb Al Awadhi
EGA/Dubal’s Vice president for Power & Desalination
Customer stories
2 GW
added to the grid
power plants with 9E turbines
To bring more electricity to the country and strengthen their energy infrastructure, GE Vernova and Iraq’s Ministry of Energy have struck an agreement that will provide Iraq with power generation equipment and services to support the growing need for electricity.
"The public private partnership with GE Vernova serves as a new business model where we work with our partners to secure financing and technology, enabling faster project delivery."
Musab Al-Mudaris
Spokesman of Iraq’s Ministry of Electricity
Customer stories
48 MW
out increase
states share of electricity
The Southern California Edison-owned plant collaborated with GE Vernova to develop a package solution that will reduce its start-up times, and lower emissions without using additional water. The combination of AGP, Dry Low NOx 2.6+ (DLN2.6+) combustion and OpFlex* software upgrades positioned Mountainview to help balance the region’s grid demands.
"GE’s solution gives us a more efficient plant, creating greater value and savings for our customers."
Stuart R. Hemphill
Senior Vice President, Power Supply & Operational Services, Southern California Edison
Further reading
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