
What can an AGP upgrade do for your 9E gas turbine?

GE’s AGP upgrade increases output and reduces heat rate in both simple cycle and combined-cycle applications and increases exhaust energy for cogeneration or combined-cycle applications, when compared to prior 9E gas turbine technology. The AGP benefits of this upgrade translate to lower fuel costs and improved revenues for 9E gas turbine customers.

As a result of GE’s AGP 9E upgrade, customers can expect an annual savings from fuel expenses of US $1,180,000 and additional annual revenue from power generation of US $395,000.*

* Based on fleet-wide average values:

  • Hours/year operation: 5000
  • Fuel cost (US$/mmBTU): 7.00
  • Power price (US$/mWhr): 80.50
  • Power benefit (MW): 7
  • Heat rate benefit (BTU/kWhr): 260
  • Simple cycle analysis, ISO Ambient Conditions

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Want to learn more about our AGP upgrade for 9E gas turbines?