
9E Fast Start features

  • Increased acceleration rate to Full Speed No Load (FSNL) with the replacement of the electric starting motor by a static starter, which is a load-commutated inverter (LCI) providing more torque than the electric starting motor
  • Shortened purge duration with “purge credit” enabling purge to be conducted during prior shutdown so that purge can be skipped on start-up
  • “Fire-on-the-fly” combustion ignition, via spark plugs and crossfire tubes during acceleration, eliminating both deceleration to 12% and warmup hold at 20%
  • Same load rate as current 9E fast load feature
  • Reduced transient overfire, enabling lower maintenance factors
  • Baseload lean-to-lean premix transfer (for DLN), eliminating the need to unload the gas turbine to bring the unit into low emissions operation

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