
Why aeroderivative gas turbine leasing?

  • Alternative or supplementary to spare engines
  • Guaranteed asset availability
  • The largest LM fleet, over 120 engines ready to be deployed
  • Members pay reduced annual fees and usage rates
  • Spare engine support without major investment

How we get you there

You can lease gas turbines from GE when your own turbine is at a depot for repair or when it cannot be repaired on-site within a reasonable amount of time. Formal lease agreements, containing the specific terms and conditions of the lease, are executed prior to leasing an engine from GE. Lease assets are provided under member or non-member lease agreement concepts.

Members: A member lease agreement is a contract of six-year duration that provides a guarantee of availability. You pay an annual membership fee and a weekly usage fee whenever a lease asset goes into service at your facility.

Non-members: A customer who has not opted for the six-year member lease agreement may use a GE lease asset on a single event basis under the terms of a non-member lease agreement. Availability for non-member usage is not guaranteed. A one-time fee and higher weekly usage fee applies to non-members.

Contact us

Want to learn more about our aeroderivative leasing program?