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Get the power of the OEM—and get back to doing what matters

With over 40 years in the business and 150 million hours of proven LM engine operating experience, our repairs and maintenance teams are fully knowledgeable on all types of LM applications and operating conditions. GE Vernova has the OEM advantage and knowledge base of design parameters, operating stresses, and acceptance criteria. By sharing a better understanding of our fleet, we can give you more intelligent repair and more efficient inventory management. The result? You can focus on what matters: enhanced engine performance that drives the business outcomes you need.


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Aero Level-2 shops: Local service on a global scale

Explore GE Vernovas global aero maintenance options at our Level-2 shops, and tap into a network of over 200 specialists delivering expert service and faster turnaround times.
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Join Mort Smith, Wayne Romeo, Robert Hammond, and our regional expert for Asia, Walter Pakai as they dive into the repair capabilities of our L2 shops for your aero fleet.
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Solutions that meet your needs

Engine exchange

Your goal: Getting back to operation in the shortest time possible

If you need a quick turnaround time, you can exchange for a new, refurbished, or partial life asset.

GE Vernova can exchange your engine with a new engine, a refurbished engine, or a partial-life engine right on your site, requiring only a 2-3 day outage. As the OEM, we not only have the largest engine exchange pool on the market, we have a steady supply of new engines that bring the latest and greatest design improvements. Additionally, we own fully refurbished engines as a low-cost alternative, and by applying GE’s standard, condition-based overhaul work scope, we are able to bring down the premium price to benefit our customers. We have also recently expanded to a sizable partial life engine pool. With these three engine exchange pools, we are confident to provide greater engine exchange flexibilities to our customers.

✔ Fixed price

✔ Simplified quoting

✔ Latest technology

✔ Warranty

✔ Upgrade inclusion option

✔ GE Vernova standard, condition-based repair work scope

Module exchange—onsite repair

Your goal: Getting your engine back up and running—fast

If you need a quick turnaround time, but also need to keep your engine.

While engine exchange works well for some customers, other may want or need their own engine back, due to permitting requirements or the need to maintain the same engine serial number. If you’re not near a GE Vernova service center or if your maintenance event only involves limited modules, we can exchange those modules right at your site, or a field service shop close to you. Module exchange and onsite repair may only require up to a five-day outage depending on the scope involved. Just like service center module exchange, onsite module exchange supports both planned and unplanned repair. GE Vernova assumes cost risk for large engine parts and flow path airfoil fall-out, and is covered by the standard GE Vernova warranty on hardware provided.

✔ Fixed price

✔ Simplified quoting

✔ Latest technology

✔ Warranty

✔ Upgrade inclusion option

✔ GE Vernova standard, condition-based repair work scope

Module exchange—service center repair

Your goal: Getting your engine back up and running

The best option for customers who need to keep their engine, but don’t require as fast of a turnaround time.

Where on-site engine or module exchange is not an option, GE Vernova is committed to providing the best available turnaround time with Service Center Module Exchange options. Advanced planning and scope definition are key in enhancing turnaround times using service center module exchange. In many cases turnaround times of 60 days* or less can be achieved with advance planning and supply chain alignment to help ensure availability of parts and service center induction slots.

✔ Fixed price

✔ Simplified quoting

✔ Latest technology

✔ Warranty

✔ Upgrade inclusion option

✔ GE Vernova standard, condition-based repair work scope

*Depending on parts and shop slot availability.

Firm fixed price

Your goal: Getting your engine back to operations with the least amount of cost risk.

Great for customers who require their engine repaired with the least amount of cost risk.

If neither of the exchange options are suitable for you, and you prefer to keep your own engine and modules, true firm fixed-price repair would be a good choice for you. GE’s true firm-fixed price repair addresses any engine components that require repair or refurbishment, while taking full risk of large parts, which can be very expensive to replace, adding significant uncertainty to your repair costs. Our firm-fixed price aims for the fastest possible turnaround time (based on scope), which we recognize is key to improving your economics.

✔ Fixed price

✔ Simplified quoting

✔ Warranty

✔ Upgrade inclusion option

✔ GE Vernova standard, condition-based repair work scope

Firm-fixed price repair also covers the cost risk of airfoils, the over 3000 blades, vanes (or nozzles) and shrouds that are in the flow path of an engine. Airfoils have various level of wear and tear, depending on many factors including age of the parts and the engine operation condition. Total prices for airfoils are in the multi-million U.S. dollars. Replacing or repairing airfoils is always at the front and center of any engine overhaul or repair, largely impacting the total repair costs. Advanced planning and scope definition are key to reducing turnaround times, and assist GE Vernova to help ensure supply chain alignment and availability of parts and service center induction slots.


Partial fixed price or time and materials repair

Your goal: Getting a non-vital engine repaired

This option is works well for customers with a minimum committed budget with tolerance for longer maintenance turn-time.

If you are not cost risk-averse and do not require a quick turnaround from the service center, time and material repairs may be right for you. Scrap risk is not transferred to GE Vernova and your final invoice is based on the actual time and material required to repair your engine. Since Time & Materials Repair can lead to potential commercial and technical delays for negotiation and decision making during the event, GE Vernova also offers a partial firm-fixed price repair under some circumstances. Typically, the fixed price portion will cover a defined work scope with the customer assuming full responsibility for replacement of any unrepairable material, work scope expansion, and service bulletin compliance at time and material rates. Partial firm-fixed price repairs can help avoid some commercial and technical delays. Advanced planning and scope definition are key to reducing turnaround times, and assist GE Vernova to help ensure supply chain alignment and availability of parts and service center induction slots.

✔ Warranty

✔ Upgrade inclusion option

Hear from GE's industry expert

Discover how you can benefit from GE's full suite of aeroderivative repair solutions

Flexible lease programs

Why lease an aeroderivative gas turbine?

You can lease gas turbines from GE Vernova when your own turbine is at a depot for repair or when it cannot be repaired on-site within a reasonable amount of time. 

Grupo Losán boosts reliability and efficiency with GE’s Engine Exchange Program



1 week

outage time reduction

4 days

to deliver

increase in efficiency

Customer need

Group Losán is a Spanish plank wood manufacturer that pioneered the installation of cogeneration plants. At their Talosa site in Soria, Spain, Losán needed to increase the performance levels of their LM2500 Base SAC aeroderivative gas turbine.


To recover output and drive higher efficiency, Losán partnered with GE, deciding on a maintenance solution in the form of an engine exchange—versus a standard major overhaul. This solution reduced the outage duration from two weeks to one, and saved the cost of using a replacement engine, since the LM2500 was provided in just four days.


Losan’s gas turbine output will increase by 2% and the electrical efficiency by at least 1% versus the values achievable after performing a major overhaul on the existing engine. Thanks to the engine exchange solution, Talosa avoided shutting down twice.

Maintenance and repairs solution cuts aero outage time in half




days to repair and ship back


day outage reduction time

Customer need

The largest independent Pacific power producer generates approximately one third of the peak power demand. Therefore, minimal operating downtime is a paramount priority for the company.


When the utility scheduled a major overhaul of a GE Vernova LM2500 aeroderivative gas turbine, it opted for a customized unit exchange solution. This option bypasses traditional repair processes while improving cycle times, cost-risk, and quality. During the outage period of this crucial engine repair, GE’s Houston Service Center had to close for four days due to Hurricane Harvey. Despite this, the engine was repaired and shipped back to the customer site in just 51 days.


A total of 26 days were shaved off the outage cycle, which allowed the power producer to benefit from a dramatic reduction in turnaround time. Additionally, GE Vernova offered a risk management model that allowed the company to plan for its project investment with certainty.

Sniace: Combined heat & power success in Spain




ppm NOx

emissions compliant

Customer need

Until 2013, the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) business in Spain was subsidized, and in 2015 new European legislation ruled on the deadlines to reduce environmental impact of large combustion plants. Sniace, a dissolving pulp and viscose fiber producer in Spain, was challenged to update two aeroderivative gas turbines to bring their power plant back to life.


Sniace collaborated with GE Vernova to give their sites the capabilities to restart operation after two years of being idle. GE Vernova collaborated with Cogen—an energy services company that Sniace does business with—to repair and upgrade one of their units to comply with the new regulations. For Sniace’s second unit, our services team offered a Dry Low Emissions (DLE) package and provided an LM6000-PF gas turbine lease until 2025, allowing them to turn CAPEX into OPEX.


GE’s team helped the site extend maintenance intervals with a non-water injection solution and at the same time reduce emissions down to 15 ppm NOx, ensuring Sniace will be 100% emissions-compliant. Additionally, an LM6000-PF aero engine lease made the plant more economically viable, eliminating the need to use a gas boiler.


Repairs and maintenance for aeroderivative gas turbines

Discover our full suite of aeroderivative repair solutions that can help you get back up and running faster.

Our Houston Service Center helps keep engines running with high performance. 

Asset 2.0 maintenance solutions for aeroderivative gas turbines

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