In order to meet the power demand of an additional 75,000 Egyptian households, Upper Egypt Electricity Company knew they would have to find a way to increase their output.
By installing the 9FA upgrade, GE Vernova was able to increase the efficiency by 2.8% and output by7.8%. In addition, GE’s AGP, DLN, and Advanced Extendor Combustion technologies will help decrease the time of outages.
increased efficiency
Increased output
Egyptian households powered
The upgrades by GE Vernova will include best-in-class technology and will help us meet our three main goals: increasing the efficiency and output of our power plant as well as reducing downtime for outages.
Ibarahim AlShahat
Chairman of the Upper Egypt Electricity Company (UEEPC), Kureimat’s parent company.
Offering cost-effective solutions to meet a growing energy demand creates stability for both communities and businesses globally. For many of our customers, energy security and equipment modernization go hand in hand. GE Vernova announced plans to modernize two 9FA gas turbine at the Kureimat Power Plant, located in Atfieh, Upper Egypt. The project’s goal: to increase availability and lower maintenance cost, while providing additional energy to 75,000 Egyptians households.
“Through our collaboration, we look forward to improving flexibility and operational efficiency of our existing power plant for the coming years,” said Eng. Ibarahim AlShahat, chairman of the Upper Egypt Electricity Company (UEEPC), Kureimat’s parent company.
The project’s asset improvement plan used on the first 9FA turbine increased the output from 250 megawatts (MW) to 270 MW, a 2.8% upswing in efficiency. The upgrade increased the overall output by 7.8%. Equally important, the Advanced Gas Path (AGP), Advanced Extendor Combustion and Dry Low NOx (DLN) 2.6 XD5 upgrades will impact the number of hours projected during the outage intervals. The ability to lower fuel consumptions decreases operational cost by extending outage intervals to 32,000 hours. The result: an estimated revenue surplus of $3.5M annually.
“We are proud to be supporting the Upper Egypt Electricity Company to bring this unique upgrade to the Kureimat plant,” said Joe Anis, president and CEO of GE Vernova in the Middle East and Africa. “Our priority is to continue working with UEEPC to further support the Ministry of Electricity’s goal to improve performance and efficiency across the energy sector.”
GE Vernova has delivered solutions that have helped Egypt meet their energy demand for 40 years. This project has reinvigorated our commitment to meeting the country’s energy needs—powering more than 15 million Egyptian homes.
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