
GE Vernova equips RWE gas and steam turbine units with DLN, AGP, and APM solutions to improve the productivity and reliability of their Great Yarmouth facility.

The challenge

When it was first commissioned in 2002, RWE’s Great Yarmouth facility was one of the U.K.’s most efficient power stations, but with the growth and evolution of the power industry since then, it’s no longer as reliable and efficient as some newer plants. With energy consumption continuing to rise in the region, and coal consumption declining in favor of natural gas, Great Yarmouth knew it needed to make some improvements.

The solution

The modernizations agreed upon by RWE and GE Vernova will include a gas turbine upgrade as well as major inspections of the steam turbine and generator with replacements of key components in the steam turbine. The upgrades also include GE’s Dry Low NOx 2.6+ combustion system, Advanced Gas Path solution,  Asset Performance Management,  advanced digital solution,  Mark VIe integrated control system, and associated gas and steam turbine and generator maintenance. 


Modernizing a UK power station

increased plant efficiency

improved plant output


At RWE, we contemplated multiple operating scenarios for our Great Yarmouth plant. Ultimately, we decided to implement GE’s technologies and digital solitons to improve plant performance, output, efficiency and flexibility in a cost-effective manner.

Steve Glover

Director of Hard Coal and Gas Power Plant U.K., RWE

Currently, Great Yarmouth is a 400 MW combined-cycle plant consisting of a GE Vernova 9F.03 gas turbine and a GE Vernova D10 steam turbine and generator.

GE’s Fleet360* total plant solutions will improve the competitiveness, reliability, and flexibility of Great Yarmouth power station and provide RWE with new ways to add years to its life. The plant’s combined-cycle efficiency will be increased by up to 2% and its output is expected to be improved by 21 MW—enough to power the equivalent of approximately 330,000 homes. Upgrading the Great Yarmouth power station demonstrates GE’s and RWE’s commitment to helping to meet the future energy needs of U.K. residents and businesses. 

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