
Australia’s hydrogen growth spurt

The challenge

The Australian Government saw the potential of building a hydrogen industry under its new technology roadmap. With eco-commitments up to 2050, they looked to integrate a modern, proven power solution.

The solution

Territory Generation selected GE’s TM2500 mobile aeroderivative gas turbine, using its Channel Island Power Station to support grid firming in the Darwin-Katherine region and support hydrogen endeavors.


Supporting the future of renewables with the TM2500 turbine


renewables by 2030


carbon by 2050


start time for the TM2500


Territory Generation sought technology to modernize our current fleet that struggles to meet changing grid demands and low power system loads. We plan for the TM2500 to be the first of multiple units to be deployed over the next five years as existing units near their end of life. At this stage, the TM2500 generator’s operational flexibility makes it the best fit to firm up the growing renewables base in the Northern Territory.

Gerhard Laubscher

Territory Generation CEO

Under its Technology Investment Roadmap, the Australian Government has committed to building a hydrogen industry, prioritizing H2 technology for the country’s power sector. Simultaneously, the Northern Territory government has its own Hydrogen Masterplan, hoping to see a firmed grid that grows communities and encourages outside investment.

Agile generators are key when using newer approaches like hydrogen blending, and GE’s TM2500 was chosen for Territory Generation’s Channel Island Power Station. Evolved from jet-engine technology, the powerful TM2500 will be mounted on a wheeled trailer for optimal mobility. As a fast unit, it can start in 5 minutes with a ramp rate of at least 20 MW a minute.

This collaboration with Territory Generation is an example of Australia’s and the Northern Territory’s commitment to new energy policies, with the latter aiming for 50% renewables by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050.

Retaining complementary legacy assets, Territory Generation will transition its fleet over the coming years with the first new GE Vernova generator. The TM2500 is expected to arrive in early 2022. This switch is expected to heavily reduce carbon emissions and OpEx for the Channel Island Power Station.

*Trademark of General Electric Company

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