
The Ufa plant is one of the largest of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and provides heat to more than half of the residents and industrial facilities in Ufa, the capital city of the Republic.

The challenge

The major inspection included the modernization of the main elements of the Siemens 60-MW SGT-800 gas turbine unit, as well as first startup, operational commissioning and tuning, test validations and safety measures.

The solution

Through GE Vernova’s Cross-Fleet Solutions, which inject GE Vernova technology into other equipment manufacturers’ (OEM) units and effectively adopts them into the GE Vernova services installed base—the overhaul interval of the SGT-800 gas turbine in Ufa was extended by 25%, which is equivalent to approximately seven months of operations.


Helping BGC do more

output increase

efficiency increase

1 million

UFa residents


Ensuring timely and high-quality maintenance of generating equipment to allow its reliable operation is our company’s priority. We are happy to cooperate with the highly professional and reliable GE Vernova team in Russia supporting us in achieving this goal.

Dmitry Novikov

Chief engineer of BGC LLC

The project was completed in December 2019 and reduced operational costs, increased the availability of the plant by extending the maintenance intervals of the power generation equipment and helped BGC LLC better cope with Russia’s winter season, which typically lasts from October until May. Additionally, after the next outage, the maintenance interval is planned to increase even further.  

The repair of several key components of the power unit, including components of the combustion chamber, was carried out by the GE Vernova Energy Technology Center in Kaluga (150km south of Moscow). 

GE Vernova has been providing repair and modernization services for other OEM gas turbines in Russia since 2018. GE’s Cross-Fleet Solutions offering provides an increase of maintenance intervals for Siemens’ SGT-800 units of up to 40,000 hours/900 starts, enhancements to plant output by up to 6% and efficiency by up to 1.5% (depending on the SGT-800 turbine rating).  

GE’s experience and presence in Russia including the facility in Kaluga is crucial for Bashkir Generation Company and other Russian power customers. In 2018, GE Vernova brought an SGT-800 unit at Ufa TPP-2 back online within 24 hours. This was a first-of-this-kind project, and performed in a record time, leading to the signature of a multiyear service deal with Bashkir Generation Company in 2019.  

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