Based in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, Algoma is a major supplier of steel products for Canada and the American Midwest. It produces hot and cold rolled steel, sheet and plate, and raw steel at nearly 2.8 million tons per year—from the ladle right to the automotive, construction, energy, defense, and manufacturing sectors.
Algoma Steel’s phase-one transition to electric arc furnace steelmaking at its power plant in Ontario represents a transformation into a more energy-effective supplier. In order to grow the plant’s internal generation, GE Vernova will provide two LM6000 aeroderivative gas turbines, complete with new control systems and new controls for Algoma’s existing GE Vernova steam turbine. GE Vernova will also complete a full rewind on the plant’s No. 2 generator.
At full capacity, the refurbished cogeneration facility is designed to generate 110 MW of electricity, a jump from its current capacity of 34 MW. Algoma Steel expects the project to finish in spring of 2023, a full year before the scheduled commissioning of its new EAFs, and they’ll be using local contractors from Sault Ste. Marie for the installation.
GE Vernova continues to innovate for steel manufacturers and suppliers like Algoma, with more efficient gas technologies that add flexible, lower-carbon power to the industry and the world.