A fleet commitment core to GE’s DNA


GE Vernova is proud to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of the 7F gas turbine. Our 7F technology is core to GE Vernova's portfolio of products and services. Its installed base of 950+ units is a testament to both the engine’s success and our customers’ confidence to partner with GE Vernova to achieve high performance and operational reliability.


The note that started the F-class

The birth of the 7F started back in 1979, when Don Brandt, head of engineering at the time, sent an internal letter to GE Vernova Schenectady’s best and brightest to kick-off the F-class program.


The validation at Chesterfield

The first F-Class gas turbine was rated at 147 MW with a firing temperature of 2300°F. It was shipped to Chesterfield Power Station in Virginia, USA and started its commercial service on June 6, 1990.


A legacy following 3 decades of market changes

Following the evolution of the power industry , the 7F introduced innovations, engine performance improvements, and upgrades that helped customers tackle the new dynamics that could impact the operations, performance, and profitability of their assets.

The 7F legacy is filled with hundreds of new unit installations, outage completions, and new technology developments that have defined the gas power generation industry we know today. From the democratization of LNG as a fuel to the plant shift to cyclic operations to help balance renewable penetration, the 7F was there, setting the new standards only the HA could beat.


A 7F era driven by the users

“According to the 7F Users Group, Chesterfield 7 marked the beginning of the golden era for gas turbine technology. The group also points out that F-class machines have grown in complexity over the years to satisfy ever more demanding environmental regulations and owners’ goals of higher efficiency and availability/reliability." Read more in powermag.com.


Overcoming challenges on the field

Our colleagues at FieldCore provide superior customer service with a focus on safety, quality and successful outcomes for customers. FieldCore has 958 experts dedicated to GE Vernova F-Class technology globally.

Learn more about their capabilities here.


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