Setting new standards

GT13E2 gas turbine features and benefits

With more than 14 million operating hours and a wide range of environmental and operational conditions, the GT13E2 gas turbine has the versatility to fit nearly every possible power plant application. Available through two complementary models, the GT13E2 is yet again setting higher performance standards for E-class gas turbines.


More than 38% efficiency in simple-cycle

The GT13E2 is able to help meet over 38% simple-cycle efficiency and over 55% combined-cycle efficiency.


High fuel flexibility

Thanks to its advanced burner technology, it can reliably operate with a wide range of fuel compositions, including high hydrocarbon fuels, without hardware changes. The GT13E2 heavy duty gas turbine can also operate with up to 30% hydrogen.


Two operating profiles

Switch online between two operating modes—one optimizing performance, the other substantially extending standard inspection intervals. This unique capability offers the potential for financial savings by allowing the plant operator you to react quickly to fluctuating power demands, while keeping costs in line.


Outstanding operational flexibility

With over 170 gas turbines installed worldwide in 35 countries, the GT13E2 can operate in extreme conditions from -50°C to +55°C and the most demanding applications like industrial aluminum smelters where the gas turbine features improved survivability from grid disruptions and load transients.



Enhanced features, expanded possibilities

Take a closer look at the GT13E2 gas turbine’s specifications.

Specifications shown are 50 Hz

Net output (MW) 210
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV) 8980
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV) 9474
Net efficiency (%, LHV) 38.0%
Ramp rate (MW/minute) 14/36
Startup Time (RR Hot, Minutes) 25
Simple Cycle
Combined Cycle 1x1
Combined Cycle 2x1

GT13E2 gas turbines can run on up to 30% hydrogen fuel.

NOTE: All ratings are based on ISO conditions and natural gas fuel. Actual performance will vary with project-specific conditions and fuel.

Customer stories

An easy decision

As the world’s largest copper supplier, Chile produces more than 5 million tons of the metal per year, accounting for more than 30% of global supply. BHP Billiton, a major player in the world of copper mining, commissioned a consortium, which contracted with an EPC, to execute its vision of responsible and sustainable growth via the construction of a new power plant.

Flexibility and reliability were key. BHP Billiton also required a power generation solution that offers high efficiency and availability, and the consortium and EPC selected two GT13E2 heavy duty gas turbines to power BHP Billiton’s 517 MW Kelar combined-cycle power plant.

overall plant efficiency

1.5 million tons

CO2 emissions offset annually


"We are proud to see that the industry has once again recognized our gas turbines as the most suitable for Chile's conditions and operational needs. The mining activity needs a reliable, competitive and cleaner power supply that allows them to run 24/7 while supporting their expansion projects."

Steve Meszaros

GE Vernova (ex-Alstom)


Helping Côte d’Ivoire stay powered

In February 2020, GE Vernova was selected by Azito Energie S.A.  to provide gas turbine technology and services for the Azito phase IV power plant, located in the Yopougon district of Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire. The extension of the power plant will generate 253 megawatts (MW) and will play a significant role in supporting the country’s energy plan. Under the contract, GE Vernova will supply its GT13E2 gas turbine in combined-cycle configuration, one heat recovery steam generator, one steam turbine generator, condenser and associated systems and maintenance services for 20 years.

710 MW

Total plant generation for Côte d’Ivoire

Up to 30%

of the nation’s power supply


"We have a long-standing relationship with GE Vernova and are thrilled that the Azito phase IV power plant will also be one of the most efficient power plants in the region and will serve as a model for the development of similar power projects in Africa. Providing reliable and sustainable power is a priority for us. Our plant makes use of Côte d’Ivoire’s supplies of natural gas and with this expansion we will continue to contribute significantly to country’s energy security and stability."

Luc Aye

Managing Director, Azito Energie S.A.


Further reading

Learn more

GT13E2 heavy duty gas turbine


Find the right gas turbine to meet your needs

Whether you're generating power for entire cities, electrifying your own operations, or are facing an emergency electricity shortage and need power fast, we can act as a versatile gas turbine supplier, ready to quickly provide a range of solutions.

  • 50Hz
  • 60Hz
  • Simple
  • 1x1CC
  • 2x1CC
  • All
  • Heavy duty
  • Aeroderivative

GE Vernova’s 9HA high efficiency, air-cooled gas turbine is one of the industry leaders among H-class offerings, and now the 9HA gas turbine is at the heart of the world's most efficient combined-cycle power plant.

  9HA.01 9HA.02
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

9HA gas turbines are 50% hydrogen (H2) capable with a technology pathway to 100%


With over 450 units deployed to more than 40 countries, GE Vernova has the largest operating and most experienced OEM F-class fleet in the world. Our 9F gas turbine delivers consistent performance and accommodates a diverse range of fuels, making it great for a variety of combined cycle and CHP applications.

Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

9F series turbines are GE’s most advanced F-class technology for 50 Hz applications.


GE’s 7HA high efficiency air-cooled gas turbine is one of the industry leaders among advanced class gas turbine offerings and is available in three models—the 7HA.01 at 290 MW, the 7HA.02 at 384 MW, and the 7HA.03 at 430 MW.

  7HA.01 7HA.02 7HA.03
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

7HA gas turbines are up to 50% hydrogen (H2) capable with a technology pathway to 100%


The demands of today’s power generation industry are many: low cost of electricity, dispatch volatility, along with high efficiency, reliability, and asset availability. With approximately 950 installed units producing ~175GW of power in 11 countries, GE’s 7F.04 and 7F.05 gas turbines are proven performers in all these areas.

  7F.04 7F.05
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

7F series gas turbines can balance renewables by load-following at 40 MW/min ramp rates while maintaining emissions compliance.


With unprecedented operational flexibility, robust engineering and long operation intervals, the GT13E2 can be used in many different applications—all while meeting a very broad range of environment and operating conditions.

  GT13E2-190 GT13E2-210
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

GT13e2 gas turbines can run on up to 30% hydrogen fuel.


Formerly known as the Frame 9E, GE Vernova’s 9E gas turbine can help decrease costs and increase revenue for your plant. From the desert to the tropics to the arctic, the rugged 9E.03 heavy-duty gas turbine provides essential power and performs in a vast number of duty cycles and applications. The 9E.04 gas turbine provides increased power and performance while maintaining the simplicity and operational strengths of the 9E.03.

  9E.03 9E.04
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

9E series gas turbines can run on 52 types of fuel.


A single, economical solution for the dispatch needs of nearly every industry condition.

  LMS100 PA+ LMS100 PB+
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

LMS100 gas turbines can start up in 8 minutes


The 7E.03 gas turbine is recognized as an industry leader for 60 Hz industrial power applications. Its robust architecture and operational flexibility make it well-suited for a variety of peaking, cyclic, and baseload operations. With state-of-the-art fuel handling equipment, multi-fuel combustion system options, and advanced gas path features, the 7E gas turbine can accommodate a full range of fuel alternatives while helping to deliver better efficiency and lower emissions than other technologies in its class.

Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

7E series gas turbines can deliver 100% load in 10 minutes.


GE Vernova’s 6F gas turbine offers the superior performance, reliability, and flexibility typically associated with larger power plants. Our 6F gas turbine packs big power into a small package, offering durability and flexibility for harsh, remote, or floating power environments. Whether it be for 50 or 60 Hz, the 6F gas turbine can maintain enhanced output and exhaust energy for combined cycle and CHP performance. The 6F offers segment-leading 32,000-hour combustion and hot gas path inspection intervals.

Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

6F gas turbines offer fuel flexibility and hydrogen capability while maintaining the reliability you’ve come to depend on


A leader in the +40 MW space, the LM6000 has over 40 million operating hours and more than 1,300 units shipped.

  LM6000 PG LM6000 PF LM6000 PF+ LM6000 PC
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

LM6000 gas turbines can start up in 5 minutes


Its ability to operate in island mode, coupled with multiple decades of proven rugged performance, make the 6B an excellent solution for remote installations and extreme operating conditions. The rugged, reliable 6B heavy-duty gas turbine is a popular choice for refineries, natural gas liquefaction power, CHP applications, and industrial power.

Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

6B gas turbines can operate on a wide range of non-standard gas or liquid fuels, including over 90% hydrogen


The LM2500 family of aeroderivative gas turbines boasts several times the operating experience of its competitors combined, and its flexibility and reliability are unsurpassed.

  LM2500XPRESS +G4 DLE LM2500XPRESS +G5 DLE LM2500 +G4 DLE LM2500 +G4 SAC
Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

LM2500 gas turbines feature >99.8% availability


Introducing one of the world’s most modular, reliable, and experienced mobile gas turbines.

Net output (MW)
Net heat rate (kJ/kWh, LHV)
Net efficiency (%, LHV)
Net heat rate (Btu/kWh, LHV)

TM2500 gas turbines can be installed and commissioned in 11 days

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