Today’s challenge for operators

Changing load fast—up or down

For F class turbine operators, the deregulation of the electric power production industry has resulted in the creation of new ancillary services industries in many regions globally, in which power producers can realize significant revenue. One of these is load-frequency regulation, which is used to manage grid stability while loads and power supplies vary. The demand for this service has and is expected to continue to grow as more and more intermittent renewable generation is added to the power grid.


Fast Ramp features and benefits

OpFlex Fast Ramp can help operators participate in ancillary services industries by significantly improving gas turbine loading and unloading ramp rates, while also providing flexibility for the operator or dispatcher to select any desired load ramp rate up to the maximum.

  • Maximum gas turbine ramp rate increased to at least 2x nominal (from ±8.3%/min to ±16.6%/min)—while maintaining low emissions
  • Higher rates possible—field test up to 3x (more than ±50 MW a minute)
  • Fast Ramp allowed in emissions compliant DLN mode(s)
  • User selectable, variable rate in MW increments from ~0x to max

On-demand webinar and Q&A

Plant flexibility: Adapting to stay relevant

Operators and plant managers are experiencing rapid change as the evolving energy landscape impacts their power plants' operating profiles. The ability to adapt and be flexible is key to remaining relevant.

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