General Electric Company and its Gas Power business greatly value the importance of good supplier relationships. Our supplier relationships are based upon mutual respect and cooperation, and the success of our relationships depends on our suppliers having a clear understanding of the GE Vernova policies applicable to such relationship. For this reason, from time to time we take a moment to highlight certain policy expectations. In light of the fast-approaching holiday season, we would like to remind you about GEVernova’s Supplier Gifts and Gratuities Policy.

GE Vernova’s Supplier Gifts and Gratuities policy prohibits GE Vernova employees from soliciting or accepting gifts or gratuities from suppliers. It is our expectation and suppliers are asked that gifts or gratuities not be offered or sent to any GE Vernova employee. Gifts and gratuities include, but are not limited to, cash, tickets to events, entertainment generally, paid vacations (even if connected to a supplier site visit or training program), electronic equipment, liquor, food, golf, and other items of value. GE further prohibits its employees from engaging in any business-related activity in any adult entertainment clubs or similar establishments regardless of who is paying. However, GE does understand that reasonable business meals included in the agenda of (or which immediately precede or follow) a business meeting may be acceptable. However, such meals may not be lavish or frequent.

Our experience has been that most suppliers respect our Supplier Gifts and Gratuities Policy. However, occasionally, we believe a reminder to our suppliers is helpful. While we understand it is customary and in the spirit of goodwill for some suppliers to offer gifts, we believe gifts from our suppliers are inappropriate and can be construed inappropriately, however unintentionally, and lead to misunderstanding and embarrassment. Accordingly, a supplier’s disregard of this policy can lead to remedial actions including supplier disqualification.

We respectfully request your understanding and continued cooperation regarding our Supplier Gifts & Gratuities Policy when dealing with GE Vernova employees.

Thank you,
The GE Vernova SourcingTeam

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