
Mainova AG, one of the largest regional energy suppliers in Germany, was interested in reducing fuels cost and improving power output while maintaining emissions compliance.

The challenge

In Germany, cogeneration using gas fuel is competing in a landscape where electricity sells on a daily basis and purchases are mainly driven by the price of fuel. Other less costly fuel sources, such as solar, wind, coal and nuclear take precedence, leading Mainova to take an innovative step to drive production efficiency.

The solution

The GE Vernova unit in Frankfurt was the first 6B gas turbine in the world to receive OpFlex control software technologies: AutoTune, Turndown, Variable Peak and Smart Inlet Bleed Heat (IBH). This Advanced Controls solution is designed to deliver broad operational flexibility across all modes of plant operation by expanding the operating envelope, while enabling significant performance improvement.


Reducing costs and improving power output

turndown to 40% load

emissions compliant peak load

fuel savings during partload operation

Mainova is now able to run their gas turbine at competitive levels, leading to a more profitable position in the market. They also now have the ability to set emissions limits and let the turbine control maximum performance within those limits. One of the biggest benefits Mainova saw was the ability to expand their emissions-compliant operating range from 60–100% load to 40–110% load.

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