Decarbonizing the future
Long Ridge Energy Terminal and GE Vernova have announced a successful first step to transition the HA-powered facility to carbon-free hydrogen with multiple successful hydrogen demonstration tests in 2022.
To change course, the world must act quickly to decarbonize every aspect of modern life, from transportation to power. This requires a global effort built on cooperation and coordination.
Long Ridge Energy Terminal (“Long Ridge”), located in Hannibal, Ohio, announced plans to transition its 485 MW combined-cycle power plant to run on carbon-free hydrogen.
initial hydrogen blending by volume
to demonstrate the capability
capability of 7HA.02 to transition to
hydrogen over time
years of experience burning hydrogen-
containing fuels
We are thrilled to work with the Long Ridge teams on this first-of-its kind GE Vernova HA-powered project that will drive a cleaner energy future by utilizing hydrogen to ultimately produce carbon-free power. As one of the leaders in decarbonization in the gas turbine industry and the OEM with the most fleet experience in using alternative low heating value fuels including hydrogen, we look forward to applying more than 80 years of experience to help Long Ridge Energy Terminal achieve its goal of providing reliable, affordable, and lower-carbon power to its customers.
Scott Strazik
CEO, GE Vernova
Long Ridge intends to begin providing carbon-free power to customers by blending hydrogen in the gas stream and transitioning the plant to run on hydrogen over time.
In April 2022, Long Ridge Energy Terminal and GE Vernova announced a successful first step to transition Long Ridge’s power plant toward carbon-free hydrogen. Following the start of commercial operation achieved in October 2021, the plant conducted a successful demonstration using a hydrogen-blended fuel in GE’s HA gas turbine, making Long Ridge the first purpose-built hydrogen-burning power plant in the United States and the first worldwide to blend hydrogen in a GE Vernova H-class gas turbine.
The plant utilizes a GE Vernova 7HA.02 combustion turbine, which can burn between 15-20% hydrogen by volume in the gas stream initially, with the capability to transition to 100% hydrogen over time.
“This is a profound achievement for Long Ridge Energy Terminal, GE, and the entire power generation industry. Our Hannibal power plant is the first GE Vernova H-class plant worldwide in commercial operation to blend hydrogen successfully and we will continue to work with GE Vernova and the Long Ridge teams to lead the deployment of utility-scale hydrogen solutions and sustainable energy storage,” said Bo Wholey, President of Long Ridge Energy Terminal.
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