Methane slip calculator

Methane Slip refers to the release of unburned methane from engines running on natural gas. While this can occur in both reciprocating gas engines (recips) and gas turbines, methane slip in recips are almost 150 times higher than that of a gas turbine.

This calculator can help you:

  • Estimate the total greenhouse gas (GHG) savings per year depending on your power plant output and capacity factor

  • Calculate reductions in NOx and particulate matter (PM) based on the US EPA's emission factors

  • Compare the amount of methane slip that can occur during the operation of reciprocating engines and gas turbines

The US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) publishes Emission Factors for methane for various technologies, and these factors are used in this calculator.

Calculate energy & potential GHG avoided by gas turbine technology


Power plant output *



Capacity factor (percentage hours in operation) *


Methane Slip refers to the release of unburned methane from engines running on natural gas. While this can occur in both reciprocating gas engines (recips) and gas turbines, methane slip in recips are almost 150 times higher than that of a gas turbine.

This calculator can help you: