Analyze generation system operations to meet load requirements while respecting the operating limits of the transmission network (formerly MAPS).
The Production Cost module of PlanOS* provides the possibility to more accurately model the economic operation of the power system to make informed decisions. Whether you’re interested in assessing the portfolio value of generating units or identifying the transmission bottlenecks that most seriously constrain economic operation, the Production Cost module captures the complex interaction between generation and transmission systems.
PlanOS leverages over 50 years of power industry expertise and legacy Multi-Area Production Simulation (MAPS) software in its electric system economic planning tool. The Production Cost module provides chronological load simulation to more accurately model path-dependent quantities such as minimum run-time and storage. In addition, chronological hourly and sub-hourly modeling better estimates intra-hour dispatch and reserve needs.
Speed. Production Cost supports task parallelization, allowing high-performance computing clusters to run large cases in hours, not days.
Productivity. The Python API grants users improved control over input data, simulation execution, and result reporting for enhanced productivity.
Accessible data. Pre-made datasets available for the Eastern Interconnect, Western Interconnect, ERCOT, and over 50 countries.
Contingency Analysis. Natively integrated and enables secure commitment and dispatch, and system constraint for the most severe N-1 contingencies.
Data Validation. A streamlined GUI for editing and validating data and easy Excel integration.
Transfer analysis. Optionally simplify transmission topology using operating transfer limits and constrain the power flow between major load areas of your system.
An integrated experience
Experience end-to-end grid planning with a unified dataset and a native, simplified infrastructure by leveraging capabilities of the PlanOS modules formerly known as PSLF, MARS, and MAPS.
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*Trademark of GE Vernova and/or its affiliates.