The modern power grid

Over the last decade, the types and sophistication of devices connected to the power grid has rapidly changed. The proliferation of distributed generation, renewable energy sources, and controllable loads has created issues of more complex power injection and stability and has produced multifaceted relationships between generation and demand. Deployment of campus and industrial level micro grids as well as new methods of industrial power-consumer interaction with the power grid itself, and with distribution utilities are increasingly forming dynamic sub-regions within the broader grid.

New devices like consumer energy portals, rooftop PV, electric vehicles, smart meters, smart appliances and smart loads and their emergent interaction with dynamic energy markets and utility demand response programs have driven more active stages of power state and load flows and a need for new business processes. These evolving and advanced operational aspects of the “modern power grid” have created a need for mechanisms that can holistically integrate and gracefully control a very broad set of heterogeneous and distributed energy resources. The power grid has evolved into a “system of systems” and consequently requires deployment of new control strategies and grid sensing, data acquisition, and visualization technologies that allow utilities to reap business benefits and operational efficiencies.

Our solutions

How GE Energy Consulting can help

We can execute small and large scale pilot projects and studies to help clients design and instantiate modern grid control and monitoring architectures. Our expertise allows our customers to plan and execute graceful technology migration and deployment of new business processes and advanced control operations. We provide end to end engineering services that help our clients develop system requirements, operational use cases, systems architecture design, technology selection and specification. We can also perform the software design, integration, and testing to enable customers to seamlessly deploy new technology and take beneficial advantage of grid modernization architectures.

Some of our projects

  • Smart grid pilot projects
  • Utility IT modernization
  • System architecture modeling & design
  • Intelligent grid control systems software
  • Grid sensing, data acquisition, and analytics
  • Distributed energy resource integration & impact analysis
  • Development of new operational processes
  • Application of smart grid standards

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